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The first in the world! China Shipbuilding Group Achieves "Double Victory" in Anti-epidemic Production

The first in the world! China Shipbuilding Group Achieves "Double Victory" in Anti-epidemic Production

Column:Industry News    Date:2021/2/3 8:39:54    Viewed:

In 2020, under the double pressure of the severe impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the severe test of the external market, China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. always maintained a sober strategic positioning and bottom-line thinking, and made every effort to ensure the smooth and orderly operation of the main industry of shipping and marine. According to statistics, the annual delivery of 198 ships/seats and 17,088,000 deadweight tons of civil ship offshore, an increase of 15.5% year-on-year, ranked first in the world, achieved the "double victory" in the battle of epidemic prevention and control and the battle of scientific research and production, and delivered a convincing report card, becoming a microcosm of China's equipment manufacturing industry to prevent epidemic and resume work and recover strongly. It has delivered a convincing report card and become a microcosm of the Chinese equipment manufacturing industry's resumption of work and strong recovery.


High-end products are emerging, batch delivery

At the beginning of last year, the sudden epidemic disrupted the normal production and operation order and rhythm of shipbuilding enterprises under China Shipbuilding Group. In the face of difficulties, the party group of China Shipbuilding Group formulated and deployed the general requirement of "no change in plan, no adjustment in index, no reduction in task and increase in strength", oriented to effectively solve the practical problems of front-line enterprises, insisted on "two-handed grasp and two-hands hard" for epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. With the general requirement of "work with two hands and two hard hands" to effectively solve the practical problems of the front-line enterprises, adhere to the working policy of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production, concentrate efforts, take multiple measures, focus on the target and face up to the difficulties, the shipbuilding enterprises under China Shipbuilding Group have presented a pleasing scene of endless high-end products and batch deliveries.


--Ltd. and Jiangnan Shipbuilding (Group) Co., Ltd. went hand in hand, completing and delivering four of the world's largest 23,000 TEU dual-fuel-powered container ships, successfully achieving a historic leap from following to leading in the field of large container ships in the world.

--Ltd. built the world's first Fast4Ward general-purpose offshore floating production and storage vessel (FPSO) with self-propelled capability, the 85,000 cubic meter liquefied ethane dual-fuel carrier built by Dalian Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group Co. Ltd., the world's first and largest 18,600,000 cubic meters liquefied natural gas (LNG) refueling vessel built by Hudong-Zhonghua, and eight 84,000 cubic meters ultra-large fully-cooled VLGCs built by Jiangnan Shipbuilding Co. The successful delivery of a number of high-end products, such as VLGCs, has helped China Shipbuilding Group implement the strategy of product transformation and upgrading, enhance market influence, build an international brand and establish a new benchmark in the industry, and has added a colorful touch to the special year of 2020.


Innovative working mechanism and method, over-achieved the ship delivery target

Facing the severe market competition, China Shipbuilding Group continuously strengthened the system construction, innovated the working mechanism and improved the strategic operation type control system of ship and sea industry, so as to ensure the delivery of ships with remarkable results, and achieved the delivery of 198 ships/seats and 17,088,000 DWT of civil ship offshore industry in the whole year, which was 103.1% and 103.6% of the annual plan respectively, and exceeded the annual delivery target.


-- Revise and improve the system to accelerate business integration. China Shipbuilding Group's ship and sea industry has compiled and revised 13 system documents, guidelines and evaluation programs related to ship and sea business comprehensively and systematically around many aspects such as operation undertaking, production operation, performance evaluation, ship type positioning, customer management, cycle time shortening, major project management, etc. to meet the requirements of the group's high-quality development, with a view to improving the strategic operation-type control and management of the main ship and sea industry. system.

--Adapted to the new situation of the epidemic and implemented new mechanisms. In the face of the sudden epidemic, in order to do a good job of "epidemic prevention and control" and "production and operation" with two hands, the production and operation mechanism of the ship and sea industry at the group level was established. During the epidemic period, a total of 14 special working meetings were held with the participation of the main leaders and leaders in charge of China Shipbuilding Group to help enterprises solve the problems faced in "epidemic prevention and control" and "production and operation". production and operation" to ensure the normal operation of the production and operation of the ship and sea industry of China Shipbuilding Group.


--Innovate working methods and make every effort to ensure the delivery of ships. Using digital means, we flexibly carry out new modes such as cloud commissioning, cloud inspection and cloud delivery, and make every effort to ensure delivery. Ltd. built 50,000 tons product tanker/chemical ship "Tom Starlight" for TORM Shipping Company. Based on the full trust of both parties and the excellent quality of construction, the shipowner directly authorized the shipyard to complete the sea trial by itself, and realized the cloud contract delivery without the shipowner's participation in the sea trial, which created a new mode of ship delivery under the epidemic.

Insist on problem-oriented and focus on operation quality

Under the complex situation, China Shipbuilding Group's ship and sea industry insisted on problem-oriented, implemented Kanban management, focused on improving the production and operation quality of ship and sea business, and continuously promoted high-quality delivery.

--Establishing kanban management mechanism for ship and sea business and starting to build informationized control platform. Establish a series of management boards for annual operation and production tasks, key enterprises, major projects, etc., timely grasp and monitor the implementation and completion of annual operation and production targets of ship and sea business, the operation of key enterprises and key projects, form a real-time updated operation and production information network and an effective grip for operation control, and promote the construction of "strategic operation-oriented control information platform for ship and sea business", and further improve management efficiency. platform" to further improve management efficiency and risk control capability.

--Build an exchange platform and strive to solve the shortcomings of ship and sea business. Focusing on the management and technical shortcomings of key production processes, we formulated operation guidelines and relevant standards, focusing on "improving the efficiency of shipbuilding resumption and production, promoting the optimization of employment mode and incentive measures", "ship design optimization" and "shipbuilding enterprise cost control". Cost control of shipbuilding enterprises", "Application of advanced shipbuilding technology and equipment", "Design, construction and commissioning of dual-fuel-powered ships", "Benchmarking of key cycles of main shipbuilding models "The conference will build a group-level communication platform, strengthen benchmarking and learning among enterprises, complement each other's strengths, enhance synergy, promote management improvement, compress key cycle time and improve shipbuilding efficiency.


--In 2020, some key production and operation indicators of China Shipbuilding Group's shipping business were maintained at a high level: the delivery rate on schedule increased by 9 percentage points year-on-year; the proportion of profitable vessels increased by 5 percentage points year-on-year; the key cycle time of some main shipbuilding types continued to be shortened, such as the shortest key cycle time of 82,000 tons of bulk carriers for CSBC Chengxi, 141 days for 210,000 tons of bulk carriers for Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, 114 days for large LNG vessels for Hudong-Zhonghua and VLCCs for Da Shipbuilding Group, and 141 days for large LNG vessels for Da Shipbuilding Group. For example, the shortest critical cycle for 82,000-ton bulk carriers of China Shipbuilding Chengxi is 114 days, the shortest critical cycle for 210,000-ton bulk carriers of Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding is 141 days, and the critical cycles for Hudong-Zhonghua large LNG carriers and VLCCs of Da Shou Group are also significantly shorter than those of 2019.

Integrate group resources and give full play to integration advantages

Actively bring into play the Group's overall resource advantages, launch "one-to-one" assistance, help enterprises in difficulty to get rid of the survival predicament, promote all shipyards of the Group not to fall behind, and fully complete the Group's ship delivery tasks.


--Brothers with one heart, their interests are broken. Organize and plan special support for hospital ships, passenger roll-on/roll-off ships, chemical ships and comprehensive support for production operation guarantee system by Da Ship Group, Guangzhou Shipbuilding International and Hudong-Zhonghua to the sister shipbuilding enterprises, which has achieved positive results.

--Through the comprehensive support, the management level of technology, commerce, production, safety, quality, procurement and human resources of the supported enterprises has been improved, and the production operation guarantee system has been improved. By sending project management and on-site construction personnel to participate directly in the production and construction of products, the assisted enterprises help improve the level of project management and production efficiency, and promote the production of products under construction in an orderly manner as planned. For products with high technical content and difficult construction, special assistance is carried out to help unblock difficult production points and chokepoints, organize special technical research to improve the production operation situation and ensure smooth construction of products. At the same time, experts from various aspects of the group were organized to conduct field and systematic research and analysis on a base's production capacity planning layout, operation undertaking control, ship type positioning, institution setting, production process, etc., and put forward targeted improvement guidance.

--A number of bottlenecks in production and technology of the assisted enterprises were broken, and the construction and delivery were on schedule. For example, the first production vessel of 700-passenger ro-ro vessel and 325,000-ton VLOC was delivered earlier than the annual plan, and the key cycle of its successor was compressed comprehensively, thus avoiding the risk of abandoning the vessel. The hospital ship excelled in completing the key node of sea trial, the 3 types and 5 chemical ships under construction advanced in an orderly manner, and the first production vessel of 14,620 tons stainless steel chemical ship was launched at the end of the year, which greatly boosted the confidence of the enterprise staff in overcoming difficulties.

Strengthen the integration of system system and promote the innovation of modeling mechanism

According to the new deployment and new requirements of the new group, we make efforts to strengthen the integration of system system and promote the innovation of modeling mechanism to achieve results, and continuously promote the synchronous improvement of management and production and construction level of each ship and sea enterprise under the group.


-- Promote the rapid integration of modeling top-level system. By integrating the advanced concepts and methods of "Modeling 2.0 Framework System" of the former China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation and "Lean Shipbuilding" of the former China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, the 2020 version of "Framework System for Promoting Modern Shipbuilding Model 2.0 of Group Companies" was formed. The top-level systematization documents, such as "Framework for Promoting Modern Shipbuilding Model 2.0" and "Guidance for Promoting Modern Shipbuilding Model 2.0" of the Group Company, have been formed, and attention has been paid to the rapid integration of institutions and mechanisms.

--Continue to organize research on modeling topics of key commonalities. Formulate the research and development plan of key common category of China Shipbuilding Group in 2020, organize research and development of relevant topics, and provide technical support for each ship and sea enterprise to break through the key links and bottlenecks of modeling.

-- Vigorously promote the application and promotion of advanced manufacturing process technology. Through thematic research and exchange platform, several operation guidance documents such as superstructure intermediate product integrity, outfitting unit module design and manufacturing, main engine oiling, etc. were formed, and five key common technology research and project application demonstrations such as digital welder centralized control and fast piggyback decoupling process were launched to narrow the gap among the enterprises of the group and continuously promote the overall shipbuilding technology level improvement of China Shipbuilding Group.

Major project, making milestone progress


The large-scale cruise ship project is a major initiative of China Shipbuilding Group to implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, implement national strategies and meet people's needs for a better life, as well as the No. 1 project of China Shipbuilding Group to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, promote transformation and upgrading, and promote high-quality development. On November 10, 2020, the much-anticipated China's first large cruise ship reached a milestone in Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding and entered a new stage of continuous assembly. This marks the major leap of China Shipbuilding Group in the field of large cruise ships from detailed design, production design, module manufacturing to final assembly and loading of actual ships, and also marks another solid step of China's shipbuilding industry in the journey of picking up the "last jewel in the crown".

Since the commencement of construction on October 18, 2019, relevant departments of China Shipbuilding Group have resolutely implemented the instructions of the Group's Party Group on "strictly organizing and planning, rigorously coordinating and implementing policies, and raising the strength of the whole Group to face up to difficulties and forge ahead to fully promote this internationalized giant system project", taking the initiative, innovating management and serving the shipyard. Coordinate and serve shipping enterprises.

Faced with these difficulties, the Cruise Ship Office of the Group promptly organized the production correction work and helped the shipyard to solve a series of difficulties and problems in production design, material support, production organization and human resources, especially coordinating with relevant departments to solve the problem of foreigners entering China. foreigners' entry work problems, to retrieve the lost time and ensure the overall progress of the project is basically controllable.

Precise prevention and innovative management, and advancing against the trend through wind and rain. Under the strong leadership of China Shipbuilding Group, the ship enterprises under the group insisted on independent innovation without wavering, transformation and upgrading without stopping, and high-quality development without slackening, and made every effort to overcome the adverse impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and win new victories in operation and production, which put an exclamation mark of self-confidence and advancement of China Shipbuilding people for the 13th Five-Year Plan.


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